
Entrepreneur Insight, Melissa Gauge - Founder of SpareMyTime

By rotide
Created 28/12/2023 - 15:59

Eureka Moment

I left my corporate role in 2016 when life with small children and a full-time career started to clash.  I spent the next 3 years founding an online platform connecting home owners with local business providers. I began to realise how overwhelming starting a business was: stress from lack of time, funding and skills; constant learning curve; doing everything myself; not knowing what can be outsourced, when and to whom; terrified of wasting precious funds. I was meeting other founders struggling with similar issues: how to find flexibility, additional capacity and skills for their businesses. Simultaneously, my children went to school and I was shocked by how many talented parents are excluded from working due to childcare. This developed a passion to build solutions for both sides.  A supportive flexible working environment with career opportunities whist providing reliable, high calibre support to businesses and individuals looking to achieve more productivity and peace of mind. 


SpareMyTime [1] is self funded. 


I've made so many mistakes - some worse than others. The key is to get back up, work out what you would have done differently and make the changes. There is very little I regret.

What would you have changed?

Nothing! I make changes all the time. It's impossible to get things right straight away. The key is to be honest with yourself and to invest in what's working.

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