
What keeps you awake at night?

By rotide
Created 10/06/2008 - 01:00

Dealing with difficult clients or suppliers and technology problems are the most common worry for many small business owners, according to a survey by YouGov.

The research found that 42% of respondents listed difficult clients or suppliers in their list of top three concerns, with the same amount pointing to technology not working properly.

Heavy workloads (30%), tight deadlines (26%) and long hours (19%) were the next biggest issues for small business owners.

But business crime does not seem to be a huge concern for most small business owners, the survey found, with just 9% rating it in their top three. There were, however, regional variations here with 13% of companies based in London listing it in their top three worries compared to just 3% in Scotland.

Loss of business data was a more general concern, with 10% of business owners concerned by this prospect.

We need to do much more to better inform and help the small business community about the new generation of security threats that are attacking their IT infrastructure silently

There was a similar lack of concern over electronic crime, with 83% of respondents saying they had not been a victim in the last 12 months.

But according to internet content security provider Trend Micro, which commissioned the research, many small businesses may not even know when they have been attacked, with over half a million websites infected with malicious code in May alone.

"This suggests that we need to do much more to better inform and help the small business community about the new generation of security threats that are attacking their IT infrastructure silently," said Paul Burke, SMB product marketing manager at Trend Micro.

Trend Micro suggests the following tips on how small businesses can protect themselves from attack:

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