
TFL Cyber attack

By rotide
Created 13/09/2024 - 08:34

TFL  is the latest high profile body dealing with a Cyber incident  reported on September 2nd and still ongoing. Around 5,000 TFL customers are involved, TFL's estimation. A comparatively small number compared to hackers gaining full access to a large organization's account files. Investigations are still ongoing so hopefully these numbers will stay low.

Interesting to note that pre election publicity hound, Sadiq Khan, let a minion take a TV interview about the hacking and the email advice was authored by the Customer Information Team, Transport for London. You might have thought this required a more senior figure penning his name to it.

However, he has commented on the recent disclosure that unpaid ULEZ fines have totalled £376 million and  Khan doesn't rule out baliff intervention to get them paid. The one thing they won't take though is the family car.

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