
How to keep staff happy

By admin
Created 15/12/2008 - 11:31

People go to work for different reasons; some are motivated by money, others want to develop their career and some employees enjoy the social side of work, seeing colleagues and experiencing the buzz of the office.

According to this year's edition of the Vodafone Working Nation report, for the young generation that's set to become tomorrow's office workers, the last reason is extremely important. However, they also worry that new technology and new working practices will force them to miss out on the things they consider important about work and are looking forward to: making friends, learning from colleagues and enjoying their jobs.

85% of 16 20 year olds believe that hierarchy is vital to create order and worry that working from home alone would leave them bored with no interaction with colleagues, the part of work they find most attractive.

To discuss the importance of community at work, we are joined by Eugene Burke, business psychologist. As technology enables more flexible working styles, there is increasingly less of a requirement for a physical office but does that mean less personal interaction? In this special webchat, Eugene Burke will be examining the vital ingredients that will constitute 'the office' for tomorrow's workers while discussing too how we can celebrate & nurture community in the office in the current financial climate.

www.vodafone.co.uk [1]

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