The paperless office is a phrase which is bandied about as businesses increasingly focus on sustainability and carbon footprint. But reducing reliance on paperwork can seem like a daunting task at the outset.
The hidden cost of paper
It is, however, well worth the small amount of effort it takes to cut down on paper filing, and not only because of the environmental impact - the cost is actually much higher than one might think. According to a YouGov survey, UK SMEs collectively waste £42 million each day trying to locate information, and an SME will spend an average of £11,000 each year dealing with the effects of traditional filing.
Eco-friendly IT
Most companies rely on a combination of filing cabinets, individual computers, and possibly off-site back-up to store their information. The problem with this ad-hoc approach, however, is that all the information is dispersed. It isn't always easy to access what's stored on a colleague's computer and off-site back-up doesn't encompass paper files, so it can take time to locate a specific piece of information when it is needed.
Document management software - known officially as Electronic Document Management (eDM) or Enterprise Content Management (ECM) - solves these problems while reducing the amount of paper you use. With an eDM system all information is collated and backed-up off site, but it's also a searchable, central depository - by cataloguing everything from invoices to emails you can do one keyword search that taps into everything you've got. By integrating with your existing office equipment it also automatically archives anything you print or photocopy. There is, of course, an up-front cost, but it's a worthwhile investment - a good system will pay for itself in three months in terms of time saved and increased efficiency.
Choosing the right software
There are a few key considerations that small businesses should look out for when selecting an eDM or ECM software package:
Seamless integration with existing systems
A good system for SMEs is essentially a bolt-on to existing infrastructure that doesn't require a complete IT overhaul. A good eDM system will be flexible - you should be able to tailor it to your organisation so you don't have to impose unnatural changes to your business practices.
Instantly searchable
The system looks at two different things when you do a search: metadata and content. Metadata is the information with which your documents are ‘tagged.' Look for a system in which metadata is completed quickly or, better still, automatically. Some systems have both metadata and content searches, but the best combine the two without affecting speed. Search results should be displayed with filter and grouping options, and search terms should be highlighted in the document regardless of file format.
To meet legal admissibility requirements you need a comprehensive audit trail, which is very paper-intensive if done by hard copy alone. By tracking all actions on a document, you'll be aware of the who and the what of any modifications. This confirms the document's authenticity, especially important if it's needed for legal or accounting purposes. Very low-end systems may not have this in place, but it's an essential requirement if ever you need solid documentary proof or you come under legal challenge.
Document sharing
Many eDM systems allow for document distribution. By electronically routing a document as part of a process, say an invoice approval, you can retain integrity and maintain control. Quicker than any manual distribution, this also removes the need for printing and retaining multiple copies. Many systems will have simple document tracking and routing functions - look out for these as a minimum requirement.
The document repository must be secure at both data and document level, only accessible by those with user rights and passwords. You should ensure that your system has strong role-based security and/or options to password protect individual files.
Remote access
Your eDM system will become vital to how you work. With more people working from home or needing access to information on the move, efficient remote access is essential. Some systems are web-based, whereas others are based locally with access via virtual private network (VPN) for off-site users. Having access to all the documents in the office anywhere and anytime is immensely powerful, and more convenient than paper files.
Ease of Use
It's difficult to over-emphasise the importance of a sense of familiarity. Ideally, you shouldn't need extensive training - if you can use Microsoft Outlook or Google you should be able to use an eDM system.
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