
How to deal with making redundancies

By admin
Created 10/03/2010 - 10:14

The latest film starring George Clooney is a timely look into how companies deal with redundancies and human emotion, as the film star is used by companies to make employees redundant on their behalf. Clooney gets on with the task in hand, delivers the news and hot foots it, leaving to jet off to another company whom has employed his services to do the same.

The ‘real life' Clooney role
Reality is far from the Hollywood movie industry. I am commissioned by companies to advise on and manage the process of making redundancies, and thus have a more realistic and ethical approach to the planning, deliverance and follow-up of the redundancy.

Having been involved in making redundancies for over 15 years for blue chip companies, charities and small and medium-sized businesses I follow a process which requires adhering to employment legislation and taking lives into consideration. Helping to facilitate new jobs and sometimes assist employees in changing careers makes the tough job of giving the life changing news a more positive and practical experience. It isn't about rich tea and sympathy. An employee needs the time to digest and show frustration or question me and after this they need practical help to move forward with career guidance.

Impact of making redundancies
A company's handling of redundancy not only affects the staff being made redundant and their lasting impression regarding the company they have been loyal to, but also the effect `of the survivor impact' - those employees remaining in the company and the impact on motivation and productivity. The company's reputation and credibility in their industry can be greatly tarnished by poor redundancy handling. Companies must also try to protect the business against expensive tribunal claims by employees.

The role of the HR professional

It is therefore invaluable that a company does consider the benefits that an independent HR professional can offer in the process of making redundancies. From setting packages, compromise agreements and mediation and to make sure the process is followed within the legal guidelines.

The role I play is to facilitate the exit; complying with legislation and providing support. I act as the bridge, to manage the change for both employer and employee. I have to be able to mediate and negotiate a satisfactory outcome for both parties.

How to help your organisation survive redundancy

For a free initial consultation to help your business review your HR requirements and comply with employment legislation please call 0845 0949605 or visit www.jdshr.co.uk [1]

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