Many businesses claim to have ‘green' credentials these days, but
running a sustainable business takes more than just telling people
you're green. You need to put your money where your mouth is and
implement measures to cut carbon, resources and to be more
environmentally aware - as well as saving your business
some money.
Top tips for making a start on the path to a greener business:
1. Get a carbon audit
audits are designed to determine the precise environmental impact of
your business activities and demonstrate ways in which you can reduce
this impact. A trained auditor will visit your premises and assess your
business practices, with the intention of identifying ways in which you
can save energy.
The Carbon Trust, a government-funded
organisation, currently offers free online training and advice - and
their recommendations can deliver significant cost savings through
better energy efficiency.
2. Turn off equipment
businesses (and, indeed, many individuals) leave electrical equipment
on or on standby overnight. Turning off equipment and lights when you
and your staff leave the office can instantly result in 50% energy
savings. This is good for the environment and good for your bottom line.
3. Save the printing
companies have begun appending a sentence to the bottom of their
emails, asking the recipient to only print the message if absolutely
necessary. While this can come across as nagging, it does make people
think. There are many instances where we print documents unnecessarily
and could cut down on paper and ink usage.
4. Buy locally where possible
feasibility of this tip will obviously depend largely on the nature of
your business. But, where possible, it is more environmentally sound to
source supplies and products from as close to your premises as
possible. The further your stock has to travel, the more fuel it uses.
5. If you must print, use duplex
a printer that lets you print on both sides of the paper and you'll be
using half as much paper. If you work from a home office, a printer
capable of duplex printing will pay for itself remarkably quickly.
6. Travel only when necessary
business owners underestimate the power of technology. Virtual meetings
are within reach of anyone with an internet connection, meaning that
travel can be kept to a minimum. Services like Skype are free, meaning
that you can cut costs while cutting your environmental impact.
7. Encourage telecommuting
you are an employer and it is feasible to do so, encourage your
employees to work from home a few days a week. To begin with, reducing
the number of journeys your employees need to make into the office will
reduce the amount of petrol they use. As well as this, the sense that
you trust your employees enough to let them work from home can
significantly increase staff morale and productivity.
your business's environmental impact is an ongoing process; you can't
go green overnight. But, while a proper environmental strategy might
take some time to plan out, there are simple things you can do straight
away that will make a difference. Not just to your carbon footprint,
but also to your bottom line.
For more information please visit www.simplybusiness.co.uk [1]