
Improving your communication skills

By rotide
Created 23/06/2010 - 09:06
What does your voice really say about you? Are people really hearing you and listening to you? Small and medium sized business owners can improve your work voice and become rich in persuasive performance through a few, simple power tools.

1. Know your voice - Spend a day getting to know your voice, by noticing your vocal energy, tone and use of words. What does your voice say to those around you? How would others describe your voice? Does your voice sound flat and dull, or lively and energetic? Do you feel self-conscious about your voice, or highly at ease?

2. Find your signature note - Sound a HUM in your forehead on a full breath. Slide the Hum down the entire length of your spine covering a few octaves of sound. Then, do it again and direct the Hum to your sternum or heart centre breathing freely. At this position feel your whole body full of resonance. At your breastbone, imagine a beam of light emerging from your heart area and open your Hum into Hah - then you will feel your own special, unique signature note.

3. Create 'sound intention' - Once you've found your signature note, placing your voice in four key energy centres will focus different aspects of your being through sound, to create an amazing clarity of intention - in your head you will sound informative; in your throat you will sound confidential; in your heart you will sound authoritative and in your belly you will sound gravitas. However, by connecting to your heart centre you will feel truly open and have a sense of your own power, this is used by captains of industry because it is highly magnetic.
it is not what we say but how we say it that matters

4. Choose your words - Think about an important statement or point you want to make. Sound the vowels and consonants individually. Do they convey what you wish to say? Do they come from your heart or head? Are you sounding your signature note? Can you feel the power behind your intention? Choose words that support, hold and affirm others. Negativity paralyses, Positivity mobilises!

5. Creating Impact - According to NLP research, all successful communication is based on 55% Body Language, 38% Voice Tone, and 7% content. This clearly illustrates that it is not what we say but how we say it that matters. For impact-full, persuasive messages use your signature note for confident vocal tone and easy relaxed body language to convey the essence of your message.

6. Audience technique - Even though all audiences want the presenter to be excellent, if they are disappointed they can be hard work. Keep calm, commanding and confident by using your unique signature note and by living in the moment. A difficult audience will be impressed if you can create a sense of presence and command their attention, and so try using inner stillness to focus your delivery.

7. Develop rapport - Whether with an audience or colleagues, the best way to develop rapport is to imagine you are simply having a conversation with the same energy you would use with family or friends. Speak to, rather than talking at any group as though you were speaking to one person. Remember to make eye contact and create easy, free-flowing connections.

8. Create the right posture - Aligning the spine creates power and confidence because of the balance it affords you. To create a calm focus and magnetic presence before presentations stand at ease, place your feet parallel with your body weight, balanced over the ball and heel of each foot, and through the instep. Imagine you have roots growing through your feet into the earth. Tuck your pelvis slightly under and align your spine upwards as though it is a column of light, and breathe deeply. If you need to, lift your shoulders whilst you breathe in, and then drop them, giving a wonderful feeling of release in your upper spine and neck.

9. Inspirational speaking - When rapport is established with an audience, feelings are intensified, rhythms enhanced, body language is magnified and vocal delivery is amplified. If we aren't well prepared, your nervousness will get in the way of your performance, and so learn how to truly rehearse before hand so that the occasion is an opportunity for excellence, rather than terrifying nerves.

10. Remember your voice is the mirror of your soul - Your voice illustrates the whole of your identity - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Allow your signature note to emerge, free your feelings and enjoy your personal empowerment.

Stewart Pearce works internationally with all aspects of presentation, including image and branding. Stewart is the author of The Alchemy of Voice. For more information visit www.stewartpearce.com. [1]

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