When writing a review on any book that boasts to provide tips or secrets of business that you won't find elsewhere, it is natural to have your expectations raised. Entrepreneurs are driven creatures for whom enthusiasm for soaking up information is only matched by their hunger for success and new challenges. With that in mind, within the pages of "Like A Virgin", there is more than enough tangible information and ideas to apply to ventures of your own.
First and foremost I should mention that this book does not function as a step by step guide for a start-up; the business advice is very much based around Branson's principles and business ethos, referencing anecdotes from his experience growing Virgin as a collection of smaller companies.
The writing style adopted is fluent, informal and very easy reading. The stories and case studies flesh out why the company chose the steps it did, and you always get an understanding of the thinking behind Mr Branson's business practices.
Themes of the book include emphasis on the nimble nature of being a small business. Keen to stress the difference in agility of small businesses as opposed to their big corporate counterparts, Branson insists that you really can compete with the big fish, with decisions and course corrections taking place without the cumbersome shackles of middle management or boardroom approval.
I was particularly interested in how Virgin kept a finger on the pulse and used current events as vehicles for relevant advertising campaigns, for instance, light heartedly poking fun at BA during the London Eye debacle (I will leave that one for Google).
Additionally there are comprehensive forays in to the area of customer services, employee relations and motivating; how to differentiate yourself in your market, plus some important do's and don'ts.
Throughout the book Branson takes questions written to him from all over the world, and fields them honestly and informatively.
Overall "Like a Virgin: The Secrets They Won't Teach you in Business School" is a compelling and easy read that backs up its tips with case studies and autobiographical snippets. It holds plenty of information that you can take away and apply to your own business practises, or may influence those who have not yet begun to explore their ideas to take the plunge.
Like a Virgin: The Secrets They Won't Teach you in Business School is available now on Amazon [1]