
Online filing for pensions admin

By admin
Created 16/10/2007 - 11:34

Registered pension schemes submitting information to HMRC must do so electronically from now on.

Applications to register a scheme, registered pension scheme returns, accounting for tax returns, scheme administrator’s declarations and event reports must now all be completed on the internet rather than in hard copy.

The rules also apply to notifications of the winding-up of a registered pension scheme and of a scheme administrator terminating their appointment.

“If you’re a pension scheme administrator, and you haven’t registered to file online, you should do so as soon as possible,” warned Julie Elsey, head of pension scheme services at HMRC. “Otherwise, you may be storing up problems for the future.”

For more information, visit www.hmrc.gov.uk/pensionschemes/online-user-guide.pdf [1]

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