With the emergence of the internet, email and digital media, forms of the written word such as letters, brochures and fliers can seem obsolete: slow and outmoded in a world where speed and innovation is highly valued.
However, companies who ignore the power and permanence of print, in favour of the more transitory nature of digital and social media could be making a serious error.
Of course, these forms of new media are very important marketing tools and used correctly, should become an intrinsic part of a company's marketing strategy. They also have the advantage of being free - although companies do need to budget for the fact that there is a significant cost implication in terms of the time these platforms take to administer and keep up to date.
Find out what works
A good starting point is identifying what really works for your company. As with many things, a combination of tried and tested strategies and innovative techniques can often be the most effective route.
Ultimately, you are aiming to make it as easy as possible for prospects to find, remember and use you. Whilst many customers now find suppliers online, the permanence of print means that just as many may discover you through a leaflet or a business card.
Feel valued
A recent Royal Mail survey evaluating how mail, email and digital media can be combined to maximum effect found that 57% of people feel more valued when receiving traditional mail, with 87% influenced by direct mail to buy something online. Furthermore, whilst direct mail costs more than an email campaign, direct mail elicits an average response rate that is over 10 times higher.
Print also offers a longevity rarely achieved by email campaigns. The survey showed that two thirds of interested prospects keep hold of a direct mail letter. However, less than 10% said that they would print out an email - even if they were interested in the offer or product.
No need to buy in bulk
So, it seems that printed leaflets, brochures and fliers - even the humble direct mail letter - remain powerful tools to market and grow a business. Furthermore, businesses no longer have to order printed matter in huge numbers as digital print makes it more economical to buy smaller quantities.This enables a more targeted marketing approach. For example, you can adapt a flier into different versions to target different sectors, creating a more focused sales message.
My advice to any start-up would generally be to set up a website and get some good quality business cards printed as a priority. If your company needs a brochure, it is often better to do this later, giving you time to stand back from what the company does and to identify the key benefits for your customers. At the same time, you should analyse how your website is being used, noting which pages are attracting attention. In addition, ideas for new services or products may become apparent during these early months.
In summary, it makes sense to investigate and embrace the advantages offered by digital marketing. However, by combining these benefits with the enduring power of print, you should be able to achieve the most persuasive and far-reaching marketing mix possible.
For more information Call 01858 462 152 or visit www.omniprint.org.uk [1] for tips and ideas on getting more from print.