
Could You Predict the Mobile Security Landscape in 2016?

By rotide
Created 15/12/2015 - 13:49
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Not a day goes by without another high profile organisation hitting the headlines through a cyber-attack or data breach that has seriously damaged its reputation and will cost a large amount of money to rectify. It's not just large organisations that are at risk, a survey by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills identified 74% of small firms experienced a security breach, costing an average of up to £311,000*.Taking the right steps to protect your business is more vital than ever, and Lookout mobile security are setting the pace with solutions that provide visibility and protection for these evolving threats. About this time of year, Lookout likes to share their broader predictions on how the cyber security industry will move forward.

Here are four predictions they made in 2015 and how Lookout feel they will progress over the coming years. To check out more of their predictions for 2016, please click here [1] 

Mainstream iOS attacks will increase

The recent XcodeGhost app development tool breach and the XAgent iOS side loaded malware demonstrated that attackers are stepping up their focus on iOS devices  -  Threat level- Still early but growing  2/10

Pre-installed malware will increase

While malware (hostile or intrusive software) preinstalled at the factory occurred a number of times in 2014, we did not see an increase in 2015. Instead, they gained system access through rooting to prevent their malware from being uninstalled - Threat level - In progress 7/10

Companies will replace reactive security with predictive security

Most companies do not have the data gathering and analysis systems in place to move towards a predictive security model but will do so to repel an attack before it affects the business. - Very much a work in progress 7/10

Cybersecurity effectiveness will be measured by risk reduction not technology deployment

In the past, increasing focus on cybersecurity meant buying "yet another box." Deploying solutions without first understanding the problems to solve and a strategy to solve them has proven ineffective and mega-breaches have proliferated over the past few years. Real progress, however, will come by measuring actual risk reduction, instead of aiming for the hollow victory of solution deployment.  - Early days but growing take up seen - 2/10

Lookout, working with IT security solutions specialists AVR International  [2]can provide you with a no-obligation mobile audit to help you identify where your organisation may be at risk. If you are interested in receiving an audit, please contact AVR on 01189 344 300 or send an inquiry to info@avr.co.uk [3]

*2015 Information Security Breaches Survey [4] 

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