
Remote working and mental health: generational divide could lead to isolation

By rotide
Created 01/08/2023 - 07:34
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The research, which explored the effects of remote working on different age groups, highlights a growing concern regarding the isolation experienced by older employees compared to their younger counterparts.

Key findings from the study include:

The study, commissioned by Great Western Railway to look at changes in commuting patterns in recent years, sheds light on the changing attitudes towards remote working and the specific effects on different age groups, highlighting the potential risks faced by remote workers.

Dan Panes, Head of Communications at Great Western Railway, added: "The permanent switch to home working, which once felt inevitable as the pandemic began to subside, has been both overstated and over simplified.

"This insight challenges us to reconsider the assumptions around remote work and explore options that enable people to leverage the benefits of going into the office, the benefits of commuting if you will, such as flexible ticket options and alternative travel times."

Commenting on the findings, leading HR expert Professor Emma Parry from Cranfield School of Management, emphasises the importance of addressing the unique needs of different team members: "Employers must avoid adopting a one-size-fits-all approach and put more trust in their staff to choose a working pattern that allows them to perform to the best of their capabilities."

"We know that open and effective communication is a vital part of engaging employees and creating a positive organisational culture - and without the face-to-face environment of an office, proper communication can slip among remote workers," Professor Parry said.

"As British workers continue to navigate hybrid working models, it is crucial for organisations to take these challenges into account and implement strategies that foster inclusivity and support employee wellbeing."


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