The first office I worked in didn't quite have stalagmites and tites growing from the floor and ceiling but bore no resemblance to the Canvas Offices current flagship building in Kingsway Holborn, This review took place in late July from the office in the picture, though each floor has coffee areas and I worked there also.

Sitting in reception, people watching for a few minutes, I noticed someone arrive that looked like he might be a cyclist. He had a briefcase, cycle helmet..... and a bike!  A short interrogation revealed he was heading for the secure cycle lock up. Big tick there and I ticked off the shower facilities later, on each floor.

 I also passed a skateboarder coming in and nodded a silent "morning" as if meeting a commuting skateboarder was an everyday thing for me, thinking how in hell does he navigate the rush hour on one of those? Casual is the order of the day at 88 and it occurred to me that you might look out of place with a tie here but clearly not with a skateboard. I also found out to my surprise that I was in dog friendly territory, though I never went into detail, just quite comfortable with the level of thought given to the building that would no doubt extend to a dog's needs. Cat lovers never fear they would be catered for.

Nice atmosphere here in 88 Kingsway and probably in the other 14 Canvas offices, with number 16 on the way, largely white, very bright and agreeably furnished everywhere, including the multitude of communal areas that can be available for client events also, again at no extra charge. I was shown around the complete building and I didn't see one area that hadn't been well thought out in every detail.

The founders, brothers Yaron and Oren Rosenblum, have not gone down the "less is more" route at all, I would suggest just the opposite.  They have free coffee and fridge facilities on every floor, meeting rooms are not extras and neither are their podcast or private telephone booth facilities. If they ever opened in Sydney I just know there would be a surfboard rack in reception.


Very close to Holborn tube station but no train noise coming through and Charing Cross is a 13 minute stroll away via Covent garden, always buzzing with activity.

As a collector of old pubs, I added the Ship Tavern 30 yards away to my collection at lunch time, established in 1549, what a find!  If you need some grass to relax on instead of a drop of Old Peculiar, Lincoln's Inn Fields is a hop and a skip away with public tennis courts, where 650 years previously, according to the sign, not my memory, there was a spot of jousting going on. Some serious history in this area, facing away from Covent Garden, none of which as a Londoner, I was aware of.

Apart from a little local lunch time area research... well someone has to do it, I worked from this location all day, setting up in minutes, all communications excellent.  Most enjoyable day working in a very pleasant place and time went very quickly.

Checkout 88 Kingsway and the other Canvas locations here