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Business News Articles

Displaying 2950 - 2960 of 2981
Weather hits high street sales
The rate of growth on the high street slowed to the lowest level in eight months as interest rate rises and wet weather took their toll on spending.... more

Power failures are fastest growing source of disruption
Power supply failures were the fastest growing source of business disruption last year according to a survey by Sungard the business continuity supplier.... more

Banks warn of lending squeeze
Businesses rather than consumers are likely to bear the brunt of the clampdown in bank lending, the Bank of England has warned.... more

Banks start interest rate rise
Three banks have raised mortgage interest rates in response to the continued uncertainty in financial stock markets amid fears the US sub-prime loan crisis could hit the UK.... more

Interest rates held at 5.75%
The Bank of England has voted to hold UK interest rates at 5.75 per cent for the third consecutive month.... more

Pay hike sparks rate rise fears
Wages in the UK grew at a faster than expected rate between May and July as unemployment levels fell, figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed.... more

Bleak outlook for UK economy
The governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, has warned that economic growth in the UK is likely to slow and inflation could rise.... more

Business confident over economy
UK business is coping with the economic fallout following the recent credit crisis and run on Northern Rock, according to a report by BDO Stoy Hayward.... more

SMEs move to on-demand software
Small businesses are the most prolific users of web-based business software applications but the majority still prefer to own their own packages.... more

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